How To Play

Church History Cards can be played in one of two ways: SAINTS (for 2-4 players) and TIMELINE (for 1 player).

In SAINTS, you take on the role of a key figure in Church History as you try to piece together your story and the story of the Restoration.

TIMELINE is a single-player game where your goal is to assemble the deck into complete chronological order. It is similar to solitaire.


In SAINTS, you take on the role of a key figure in Church History as you try to piece together your story and the story of the Restoration.


Remove the role cards from the deck and let each player select one.

Set aside the remaining role cards, shuffle the deck, and deal 9 cards to each player.

Set your cards face up on the table in order (alphabetically, left to right; numerically, up and down) and leave the deck in the middle.

Saints setup
Example of how to set up your hand in alphabetical and numerical order

Playing the Game:

On your turn, you draw one card from the deck. After that, you can take, trade, or draw.

To TAKE, choose a card that you want from another player and one of your own cards to wager. The other player then reads a trivia question from the back of their card. Green trivia questions are easiest; red questions are the most challenging. If you answer correctly, you get to take their card. If you answer incorrectly, the other player takes the card you wagered. Cards in completed stacks cannot be taken.

To TRADE, make a deal with another player to exchange one or more of your cards for one or more of theirs.

To DRAW, take one card from the bottom of the deck and hand it to the person to your right. Then have them ask you a trivia question. If you get it right, you keep the card. If you get it wrong, then you must put the card back at the bottom of the deck.

Play continues until the deck has been completely drawn and all player stacks are completed.


To make the game fun for all levels of Church history knowledge, players should choose green, yellow, orange, or red questions based on the knowledge level of a given player.

Scoring the Game:

Players add up the number of cards in each completed stack. For example, if a player has B1, B2, and B3 they receive 3 points. If they are missing a card in a stack, they get no points for that stack. Artifact cards are worth 1 point.

If a player completes all stacks associated with their role card, they get an extra 3 points. If they have the artifact card associated with their role, they get an extra point.

The player with the most points wins.


TIMELINE is a single player game where your goal is to assemble the deck into complete chronological order. It is similar to solitaire.


Shuffle the deck and deal out seven stacks, each with an increasing number of cards (column 1 has 1 card, column 2 has 2, etc.) This is your Tableau. In each stack of the Tableau, the top card should be the only card visible. The remainder of the deck becomes the Stock pile. The Waste pile starts out empty.

Timeline setup

Game Play:

Move cards from the Tableau or Stock and Waste piles until you cannot make any moves and lose, or until your timeline is complete and you win!

Move Rules:

Cards can be moved from the Tableau, Stock or Waste piles, but only cards at the top of a pile may be moved.

First column cards (eg. B 13, E 15, etc.) may be moved to the Timeline.

Cards may only be moved to the Timeline in sequential order. (eg. D 33 may only be moved next to D 23.)

Cards may only be moved to, and within, the Tableau in alphabetical order. (eg. C cards may go to a B card, but not to an E card.)

If no move can be made, draw from the Stock pile and put it into the Waste pile. Repeat if necessary.

If a Tableau column becomes empty, a last column card (eg. R 55, C 22, etc.) may be placed there.

Optional Rules:

For a faster game:

  • Use one or two sets instead of the entire Volume 1 deck and allow the Tableau to have less than seven piles.

For an easier game:

  • Allow 2-5 Waste Piles.
  • Allow all cards in the Tableau layout to be exposed.
  • Allow cards to be moved to, and within, the Tableau if they are the same letter.
Deseret Book