Alvin Smith Passes
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“Do everything that lays in your power to obtain the records be faithful in receiving instruction and keeping every commandment that is given you.” — Alvin Smith1

Alvin Smith was the oldest of the Smith children. He helped clear the land for the family farm and build the second family home in Palmyra, but at the age of 25, he became sick and died.2 According to his mother, Lucy Mack Smith, his death was caused by mercury poisoning when a doctor gave him calomel (mercury chloride) to treat a case of "bilious colic."3

On his deathbed, Alvin encouraged Joseph to remain faithful and obedient to God so that he could eventually obtain the record Moroni had promised him.1 Alvin's tragic death was made worse by an unsympathetic preacher who implied that Alvin was in hell because he was unbaptized. Additionally, Joseph Smith, Jr. had been told to bring Alvin with him to retrieve the plates. Without Alvin, he was unsure how to proceed.4