Angel Moroni
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“A personage appeared at my bedside, standing in the air, for his feet did not touch the floor. He had on a loose robe of most exquisite whiteness.” — Joseph Smith Jr.1

Moroni was a prophet in the Book of Mormon who lived in the late fourth and early fifth centuries. He received the golden plates from his father Mormon and continued recording the history of his people, the Nephites.2 After the Nephites were destroyed, Moroni finished the record, sealed up the plates, and buried them in the Hill Cumorah.3 He was the last author and editor of the plates.

After his death, Moroni was resurrected, and on September 21, 1823, he first came to visit Joseph Smith. He returned several times over the years to instruct and guide Joseph Smith, and eventually, Moroni entrusted Joseph with the golden plates for a time to translate them.4