Eight Witnesses
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“Be it known unto all nations [that] Joseph Smith, Jun., the translator of this work, has shown unto us the plates of which hath been spoken, which have the appearance of gold.” — The Testimony of Eight Witnesses1

In June 1829, Joseph Smith and a group of eight men went into the woods near the Smith family's farm in Manchester. The group consisted of Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, Jr., John Whitmer, Hiram Page, Joseph Smith Sr., Hyrum Smith, and Samuel Smith. Once they had all gathered, Joseph showed the men the gold plates and allowed them to hold and examine them.2 Their signed testimony of this experience and the plates was published in the Book of Mormon.3

None of the eight witnesses ever recanted or denied their testimonies,4 even though three (Jacob Whitmer, John Whitmer, and Hiram Page) became disaffected with the Church.5