Fisticuffs at Grandin’s
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During the printing of the Book of Mormon in 1829, Hyrum Smith felt like he should visit Grandin's print shop on a Sunday afternoon. Accompanied by Oliver Cowdery they went to the shop and found Abner Cole working on his newspaper, the Palmyra Reflector. Cole explained to them that he was unable to print his paper during the week, so he was forced to do it on Sunday. Hyrum and Oliver discovered that Cole was printing portions of the Book of Mormon in his paper, so they forbid him from doing so. However, Cole told them that he would continue to print it no matter what they said.1

Later, Joseph Smith went to meet with Cole to stop him from printing the Book of Mormon. Again, he refused and began to threaten to fight Joseph; however, Joseph informed him that he held the copyright to the Book of Mormon and he would take Cole to court if he did not desist. After this Cole calmed down and agreed to stop.2