The Smith Family Bible
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“We always had family prayer since I can remember.” — William Smith1

The Smith family members' religious beliefs varied: Joseph Sr. favored Universalism2 but did not attend any churches in Palmyra and felt "attending no church at all was preferable to the wrong one."3 On the other hand, Lucy and several children leaned toward Presbyterianism and attended church meetings.4 At home, the Smiths emphasized family prayer, which gave them guidance and comfort during challenging times.3 The family read from their copy of the Bible (probably a King James version, though it's unclear).5

In his early teens, Joseph Jr attended different churches and studied various denominations, trying to figure out which one was right.6 While attending a sermon, Joseph heard the following scripture: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." Returning home, Joseph Jr turned to the Bible and read James 1:5 once more.7